Jodie Thellin-Skyberg - Home Club (Dakota Curling Club)

Jodie Thellin-Skyberg is a member of the Dakota Curling Club in Lakeville, MN. She started curling 7 years ago once her youngest went off to college. New, empty nesters, her and husband decided they needed to find a hobby they could do together.  She grew up in Hibbing, so she knew about curling and actually tried it as a PhyEd class, and friends of hers (Linda and Dave Menter) had also raved about the community.  They did a bit of research and happened upon a new club opening up in downtown Lakeville so they started the year DCC opened their dedicated ice facility and have not looked back! While she has many favorite personal moments in curling, the most recent highlight was curling in Stranraer, Scotland at the Royal Slacker Bonspiel this past October.

She was interested in volunteering on the TCCA Board because she appreciates the culture of inclusivity and the way curling supports all levels of ability and how it builds connection and community.  She wants to foster that culture and help grow the positive impact curling and curlers have across our communities. Her goals for the TCCA moving forward are to grow awareness and ultimately expand access and participation in curling across the metro.  She thinks this includes highlighting the social/fun aspect of the sport, as well as the potential for competitive play and skill development.

She LOVES the game and community and has jumped into both traditional and doubles.  Her children tease her and her husband that they may have a curling addiction.